Pentax MX

Pentax MX, taken with Fuji X100s
Pentax MX, taken with Fuji X100s

This was my first 35mm SLR, purchased when I was 13 years old for $290. How on earth I saved up for it I have no idea, but a few early mornings delivering papers comes to mind. I spent a ridiculous number of hours studying camera books and magazines, browsing the current crop of cameras. It came down to the Pentax, the Ricoh KR-5, the Nikon EM and the Olympus OM10. I wanted a strictly manual camera because that’s what dad used (Kodak Retinette ), and it seemed an appropriate way to learn the craft.

Lovely, simple dials. Wonderful mechanical functions.
Lovely, simple dials. Wonderful mechanical functions.

Why the Pentax? Compact design, easy handling, bright viewfinder and super sharp 50mm prime lens. The MX was billed as the smallest 35mm SLR, and has inspired the release of a new ‘retro’ Pentax MX-1. I owe a lot to this little camera, giving me the opportunity to punch above my weight photographically. It led me to darkroom processing and a creative distraction from homework.

From a time when being a photographer was nerdy
From a time when being a photographer was nerdy

I’ve mentioned my attraction to lens action before, but it is something lost to the technical progression of camera control. Lenses such as the 50mm shown above retain a precise and pleasing click with each turn of the aperture ring. Likewise, the focus has an appealing hydraulic flow, as though its lubricated with honey. Interacting with this camera reinforces how important it is to for me to connect with my equipment as much as the subject.

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