When I was asked by a publicist if I wanted to try out all-natural crystal stones that you rubbed all over your armpits to reduce odor, you better believe I was like "Hell yes, this sounds weird."

Apparently, crystal deodorant stones have been used for a long time as a natural alternative to mass-produced deodorants. While they don't claim to keep you from sweating through your shirt, they're intended to reduce the smell that emanates from your armpits by depositing a layer of salt that kills odor-causing bacteria.

crystal deodorant reviewpinterest

Using them is simple: Just run the stone under water and rub it onto your armpits, letting it dry completely. There are two styles: a loose crystal that comes with a little tray, and a stick version that's easier to travel with.

Because my co-worker Danny and I are the office guinea pigs, we decided to test the loose stones to see if they worked, and honestly we were VERY SURPRISED by how effective they were. Here are our feelings about testing them.

How did it make you feel to rub wet stones on your armpits? You have three words:


Danny: Like. Gwyneth. Paltrow.

Did they actually, really, seriously work?

Sally: I was absolutely SURE that this was some sort of weird prank situation brewed by Earth-mom bloggers who love eating "ancient grains." But after testing them, I gotta hand it to nature. These things work. Like, they really work.

Danny: Like Sally, I was 100% hesitant. Especially because I'm #sweatybynature, I really need the real deal when it comes to deodorant. I used it before going to the gym in the morning (humble brag), and despite having to awkwardly run it under water in the locker room, everything else about it was amazing.

Would you recommend this product to someone looking for an alternative to regular deodorant?

Sally: Honestly, yes. But, I would also preface that recommendation with "you'll still be sweaty all the time." This isn't an antiperspirant; it's a deodorant — but it can be layered with other products. That being said, it does work for its intended purpose, and I feel ashamed that I ever doubted it.

Danny: I'm a product- and routine-lover, and I have started including it into my daily squad of things that take up too much space in my bathroom. I've kept with using it in the morning as a pit primer, if you will, before adding in something to help reduce sweat. While that may seem like I just added an additional task to my mornings, it has a purpose: With the stone, I can opt for a less-artificial scented antiperspirant, so I can just smell like a normal twenty-something guy and not a pine forest. (On second thought, maybe I shouldn't hope to smell like a twenty-something guy, but you get what I mean).

crystal deodorant reviewpinterest

Any advice for people looking to try this method?

Sally: Use it first thing when you get out of the shower, because it won't work if you try to use it once you already smell bad. I know this from experience, because I tried to use it at the end of the day to cover up the fact that I had forgotten deodorant earlier, and my partner was like "please go take a shower."

Danny: Go with the stone! I know people are always hesitant when trying new things, especially on one's skin. I'd let people know that as someone with sensitive skin, this didn't cause any irritation or break outs (my biggest fear), so it's worth the try to see if it's for you or not. 🔮

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Sally Kaplan

Sally is the former Lifestyle Editor at BestProducts.com, where she spent her days covering sales and deals and then trying not to shop them while at work; she also writes about quirky, weird products and fun gadgets! When she's not working, you can usually find her looking for an adventure, cooking, and/or singing the Hamilton soundtrack too loudly.