Vitamin G

The Fitness Secret of Women in the Best Shape of Their Lives

You workout and eat right--for the most part, right? But if you're feeling like you still have work to do in the fitness department (don't we all?!), pick up this little tip from women--like Katie Holmes--who are in tip-top shape...

You workout and eat right--for the most part, right? But if you're feeling like you still have work to do in the fitness department (don't we all?!), pick up this little tip from women--like Katie Holmes--who are in tip-top shape...

2010 Mike Marsland

I've been covering health and fitness for a long time now, and I've seen a common thread in the advice I hear from women--celebs and regular women alike--who are fit and healthy. Between all the chatter about detoxing, crash dieting, etc., (neither hold weight with me), a clear message comes out from women who get fitness. Not only do they do it to feel healthy and strong (instead of merely to look hot), they integrate exercise into their lives in a non-negotiable way.

Take Katie Holmes for instance. Sure, she has a vested interest in exercise given her career in the spotlight, but Katie has proven that fitness is so important to her that she works out rain or shine (how many photos have we seen of her jogging in the rain?), and even broke a sweat on her birthday last weekend, when she caught a morning spin class before kicking off her birthday bash.

The lesson every woman can learn is to stop making excuses about fitness and start working out as a matter of course. You eat, you breath, you sleep, you exercise! This is how I got into a fitness groove, and you can too! (Finding a form of exercise you love--like running for me--helps bigtime, too.)


Have you reached this thinking about fitness--where you do it because it's an important, non-negotiable part of your life?__

P.S. 5 things Taylor Swift does to stay healthy and fit. And, Natalie Portman gained 15 pounds in college--did you?

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