Girls in the Beauty Department

Yes, This Is Really Renee Zellweger. Let's Address Her New Look

I need to start by acknowledging that this is a delicate topic. Whenever an actress we adore appears to have work done on her face and we mention this in a post, people pile on with judgmental comments, and all of us end up feeling icky for even having brought the topic up. But after seeing the much-talked-about photos of Renee Zellweger from an event last night, I think we just have to join the conversation about them. Now, we don't know for certain that Renee did anything, but she looks so different in the photos that I almost still don't 100 percent believe this is her. My take: I fully support every woman's decision to do whatever makes her happy in life, including altering her looks. But on a personal level, I admit that it makes me sad when people lose certain quirks of their appearances that make them unique. So many of us will always associate Renee with those elongated, kind-of-squinty, smiling eyes, and here they've taken on a very different shape. I'm hoping maybe there's just some temporary swelling going on. But either way, Renee, I'll always find you beautiful. I'm interested to hear your reactions to

I need to start by acknowledging that this is a delicate topic. Whenever an actress we adore appears to have work done on her face and we mention this in a post, people pile on with judgmental comments, and all of us end up feeling icky for even having brought the topic up. But after seeing the much-talked-about photos of Renee Zellweger from an event last night, I think we just have to join the conversation about them.

Now, we don't know for certain that Renee did anything, but she looks so different in the photos that I almost still don't 100 percent believe this is her.

My take: I fully support every woman's decision to do whatever makes her happy in life, including altering her looks. But on a personal level, I admit that it makes me sad when people lose certain quirks of their appearances that make them unique. So many of us will always associate Renee with those elongated, kind-of-squinty, smiling eyes, and here they've taken on a very different shape. I'm hoping maybe there's just some temporary swelling going on. But either way, Renee, I'll always find you beautiful.

__I'm interested to hear your reactions to Renee Zellweger's new look—but let's keep the comments kind, please. Share your thoughts below. __