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12-year-old boy loves baseball, video games, drawing

Telegram & Gazette Staff

Jason is a sweet, engaging and helpful 12-year-old Caucasian boy who loves to play video games and watch movies.

"I’m a friendly and curious kid. I’m a good artist and I enjoy playing baseball," he said.

Jason loves to draw. He is doing well in school and works at grade level in most areas. He is well-liked by his teachers and he really enjoys reading. He is in a mainstream classroom and continues to receive supportive services through an individualized educational plan. Jason has positive peer interactions and is able to work with a partner and in group settings.

Jason would do best with an experienced family because of his need for attention and structure. He would like to have a father and siblings. Jason does well with younger children; however, his need for attention could impact a family's ability to care for Jason and a young child. He would likely do fine with older siblings who are somewhat independent. Jason would benefit from living with a family who would help get him involved in extracurricular activities. He would like a family that is open to him maintaining contact with his brother post-adoption.

To adopt a child from foster care, you must go through a training, interview and matching process. To begin, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange, for referrals to agencies in your area. A social worker will meet with you, then refer you for the Massachusetts Approach to Partnerships in Parenting training. After completing the MAPP course, you’ll have meetings with a social worker who will conduct your “homestudy” to explore adoption possibilities with you and begin to match you with a waiting child. It’s important to balance patience with persistence to make a match that will build a lifelong family.

To learn more about Jason and about adoption from foster care, call the MARE at 617-54-ADOPT (617-542-3678) or visit www.mareinc.org. The sooner you call, the sooner a waiting child will have “a permanent place to call HOME