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Best Quality Stair Climbing Wheelchair

Stair climbing wheelchair

Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair - Seedee

Seedee Electric stair climbing wheelchair is a mobility device which allows user to climb up and down the stairs. The stair climbing wheelchair is made of aluminium alloy metal.The electric stair climbing wheelchair is lightweight and foldable making it easy to carry it anywhere. It is suitable to use indoor as well as outdoor. This wheelchair has lithium-ion battery and comfortable back support and seat cushion makes the wheelchair more convenient for the user.


How to use the Electric Stair Climbing Wheelchair

  • Unbuckle the seatbelt of standing wheelchair, then fold the seat down which locks in place automatically

  •  Fully charge the battery of stair climbing wheelchair, by attaching the plug in the wheelchair and the adapter in the socket

  •  To check the battery charging level, refer to the display that showcases an indication of charge- low to high

  •  Once battery is fully charged, insert the key at the side of the battery to switch it on

  •  The red indicator light illuminates when powered on


To ascend or go up the staircase-

  • Ensure the user is safely seated on the wheelchair, strapped in with the help of the safety belt and their feet resting on the footrest

  •  Keep the stair climbing wheelchair a few inches away from the bottom staircase

  •  Push the red handle away from the chair until the rubber belt panel locks into place

  •  Power on the stair climbing wheelchair by flipping the red switch

  • The yellow button rotates the rubber belt panel to go up the staircase

  • The green button rotates the rubber belt panel to go down the staircase

  • Pull the handle bar of the wheelchair towards you and tilt the backrest to ensure the rubber belt panel is resting on the stair

  • Press the yellow button to go up the stairs, while firmly holding onto the handlebar


To descend or go down the staircase-

  • Make sure the user is safely seated on the wheelchair, strapped in with the help of the safety belt and their feet resting on the footrest

  • Stand at the top of the stairs, with a few inches in between the front wheels of the wheelchair and the stairs

  • Push the red handle away from the wheelchair until the rubber belt panel locks into place

  • Power on the stair climbing wheelchair by flipping on the red switch

  • Lean the backrest towards yourself, until the rubber belt panel can be placed properly on the stairs to go down

  • Press the green button to go down the staircase, while firmly holding onto the handlebar


  Features of Seedee stair Climbing Wheelchair:

  • Battery operated

  •  Stair climbing wheelchair has the power to climb different types of stairs

  • Stair climbing wheelchair is user friendly and easy to use

  • Light weight, hence easy to carry

  • Easily foldable

  • Safety belt

  • Detachable and rechargeable lithium batteries

  • Durable rubber wheels

  • Optimum Stair Angle - 35°, above 40-50° not advisable

  • Battery Charging Voltage -110-240v

  • Motor Current - 13.9A

  • Product weight:40 kg

  • Dimensions: 58*165*85 cm

  • Power: 24V

  • Brand: Seedee

  • Weight holding capacity: 125 kg


Ostrich Climber Ex- Automated Emergency Stair Climbing Chair


Ostrich Electric Stair Climbing wheelchair allows people with limited mobility move up and down the stairs. This stair climbing wheelchair can hold upto 150 kg of weight. The lifting height of the wheelchair is 0 to 5m. It is suitable to use indoor, outdoor in public buildings and in homes also.



Features of Ostrich stair climbing wheelchair: 

  • 13 cm wide footrest

  • Ostrich Stair Climbing wheelchair comes with a control panel

  • Comfortable cushioned seat and head rest

  • Handles at the back

  • Ostrich stair climbing wheelchair has a seat belt for safety

  • Front castor wheels

  • Armrests for comfortable use

  • Motor: Brushless DC24V 200W

  • Battery: 29.4V 13.2Ah

  • Charger: 29.4V 3A



  • Min. Overall Length (Chair in folded position): 770 mm (77 cm)

  • Max. Overall Length (Chair when fully expanded): 1250 mm (125 cm)

  • Max. Overall Width: 555 mm (55.5 cm)

  • Min. Overall Height from the ground: 1000 mm (100 cm)

  • Max. Overall Height from the ground: 1660 mm (166 cm)

  • Ground Clearance: 55 mm (5.5 cm)

  • Wheelbase: 420 mm (42 cm)

  • Front Wheel Track: 325 mm (32.5 cm)

  • Rear Wheel Track: 490 mm (49 cm)

  • Caster Wheel Dimensions: 5 inch x 1 inch/12.7 x 2.54 cm (Diameter x Width)

  • Rear Wheel Dimensions: 8 inch x 2 inch/20.32 x 5.08 cm (Diameter x Width)

  • Stroke Length of Attender Handle: 660 mm (66 cm)

  • Stroke Length of Lifting Rod Handle: 350 mm (35 cm)

  • Seat Base Width: 345 mm (34.5 cm)

  • Seat Base Depth: 415 mm (41.5 cm)

  • Seat Base Height from the Ground: 550 mm (55 cm)

  • Backrest Width: 410 mm (41 cm)

  • Backrest Depth: 330 mm (33 cm)

  • Headrest Width: 370 mm (37 cm)

  • Headrest Depth: 195 mm (19.5 cm)

  • Headrest Cushion Width: 260 mm (26 cm)

  • Headrest Cushion Depth: 180 mm (18 cm)

  • Armrest Height from the Ground: 820 mm (82 cm)

  • Footrest Width: 130 mm (13 cm)

  • Footrest Depth: 365 mm (36.5 cm)

  • Footrest Height from the Ground: 365 mm (36.5 cm)


Frequently Asked Question

Q1. Can you climb the stairs with wheelchair?

Ans. Yes, with stair climbing wheelchair one can easily  climb the stairs.

Q.2 How much weight can a stair climbing wheelchair holds?

Ans. Weight capacity for a stair climbing wheelchair differs from model to model. The ostrich stair climbing wheelchair holds upto 150 kgs weight and Seedee electric stair climbing wheelchair holds 125 kg of weight.

Q.3 How much does Stair climbing wheelchair cost?

Ans. The price of electric stair climbing wheelchair starts from 1 lakh and varies depend on the brand of the wheelchair.

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