... Humphry Fitzroy Woolrych , M.A. , in Holy Orders , b . 10 Feb. , 1823 , m . 1862 , Mary Katherine , dau . of J. Watson . Humphry Stephen , æt 3 , 1872 . Elizabeth , eld . d . & coh . of William Bentley of Red Lion Square , London , m ...
... Woolrych , Humphry FitzRoy , 1843 . 76 UNDERGRADUATES . UNDERGRADUATES WHO HAVE PASSED THE FIRST EXAMINATION. Osler , Timothy Smith , Parsey , William Henry , 1842 . Colleges . Bristol and University . 1840 . King's . Philip , Thomas ...
Humphry Fitzroy WOOLRYCH. dicates to our minds unity of authorship rather than otherwise . If there be any sign to the contrary , it shews itself rather in Genesis ii . iii . * than else- where , where Jehovah Elohim is used in the nomi ...
... Humphry Fitzroy Woolrych , B. A. of the Univer- sity of London , by lett . dim . from the Bishop of Durham . Deacons . Thomas Lewis , St. David's coll . Lampeter ; David Dickson , B.A. Trinity coll . Dublin ; Jenkin Jones , St ...
... Humphry William Woolrych , Ser- jeant - at - Law , of Croxley , Herts , took place on the 3rd of The deceased ... Fitzroy Woolrych , curate of Hucking , in Kent , who was born in 1823 , and graduated M.A. , at London University in ...
... Humphry Fitzroy Woolrych , M.A. , late Vicar of Oare , Faversham , b . 10 Feb. 1823 ; d . 1904 ; m . 1862 , Mary Katherine , of J. H. Watson : - Humphry Stephen Woolrych , Esq . , Major 8th King's Regt . , b . 1868 [ m . 1892 , Sophie ...
... WOOLRYCH ( HUMPHRY FITZROY ) Aleph v . Colenso . [ Remarks on Bishop Colenso's work entitled " The Pen- tateuch and the Book of Joshua critically examined . " ] Maidstone , 1866. 8 ° . 3155. bb . The Handbook of Bible Words , giving an ...
... WOOLRYCH , Humphry Fitzroy , Maidstone . -King's Coll . Lond . Heb . Prizeman of the Univ . of Lond . 1858 , Β.Α. 1843 , Μ.Α. 1856 ; Deac . 1846 by Bp of Rip . Pr . 1847 by Bp of Llan . C. of Hucking , Hollingbourne , Kent , 1867 ; Chap ...