Celoten pogled
  • Kateri koli pogled
  • Predogled in celoten pogled
  • Celoten pogled
Kateri koli dokument
Nothdurft z mesta
... nothdurft ( erforderliches bauholz ) zu hawen . weisth . 2 , 82 ( vom j . 1561 ) ; die gerichtsleut muessen die notturft ( strang , holz , pranteisen ) zum gericht bringen ... nothdurft 927 NOTHDURFT zu thun . Simplic . 1 , 207.
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , according as the Cafe requires , as Occafion fhall ferve . seine Nothdurft haben , to have one's Wants or what one needs , to be fupplied with one's Neceffaries . Nothdurft , is fometimes ufed instead of Dürftigkeit ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , according as the Cafe requires , as Occafion fhall ferve . Seine Nothdurft haben , to have one's Wants or what one needs , to be fupplied with one's Neceffaries . Nothdurft , is fometimes used instead of Dürftigkeit ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , according as the Cafe requires , as Occafion fhall ferve . seine Nothdurft haben , to have one's Wants or what one needs , to be fupplied with one's Neceffaries . Nothdurft , is fometimes ufed inftead of Dürftigkeit ...