Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft W , Fliedner TM ( 1979 ) Stem cell migration after irradiation . In : Okada S , Imamura I , Terasima T , Yamaguchi H ( eds ) Radiation research . Toppan , Tokyo , pp 657-663 Nothdurft W , Fliedner TM ( 1982 ) The response of ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , according as the Cafe requires , as Occafion fhall ferve . seine Nothdurft haben , to have one's Wants or what one needs , to be fupplied with one's Neceffaries . Nothdurft , is fometimes ufed instead of Dürftigkeit ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , H. C. ( 1991b ) . Texture segmentation and pop - out from orientation contrast . Vision Research , 31 ( 6 ) , 1073-1078 . Nothdurft , H. C. ( 1992 ) . Feature analysis and the role of similarity in pre - attentive vision ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft , according as the Cafe requires , as Occafion fhall ferve . Seine Nothdurft haben , to have one's Wants or what one needs , to be fupplied with one's Neceffaries . Nothdurft , is fometimes used instead of Dürftigkeit ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft 1992, 1993, Wolfe 1994). Thus, saliency alone does not account for all observations, but it certainly does for some. Sperling: Additivity seems to be unable to explain the data you showed. Mollon: I want to mention Sillito's ...
Nothdurft z mesta
... Nothdurft. As a trained medical doctor, Nothdurft held the rank of a reserve army captain and in his civilian capacity worked as a research scientist for Heidelberg University specializing in hydrogen and carbonic acid measurements and ...