... Vreme was consistently lib- eral , antinationalistic , pro - Western , pro - European , " Cerovic said.47 But Vreme - like Borba couldn't have the influence of Milosevic's large- circulation propaganda newspapers , such as Politika ...
... pro- duce , and while in Bucharest life is imprisoned within the capital - so that none may visit the surrounding ... Vreme , the only out and out pro - Legionary ( pro - Guardist ) sheet which has sur- vived the Antonescu purge ...
... pro- tivnici šarlatanom i frazerom . ” Vreme , March 6 , 1927 , 7 . Anonymous . " Za zapadnu kulturu ili protiv nje ? Predavanje vođe etičkog pokreta , g . Vidovića iz Sarajeva . ” Vreme , March 27 , 1927 , 1 . Anonymous . " Sumrak ...
... pro-regime pro-president Slobodan Milošević circles. Vreme also published some of the data from the archives from Batajnica mass grave excavations, and especially important were the reports by Skrozza and Ćirić, which contained ...
... pro - Yugoslav generals ( author's notes ) . 22 Vreme , 13 April 1992 . 23 On the views of the antiwar intellectuals and journalists see the collection of Bel- grade Circle discussions in Druga Srbija , ed . Ivan Čolović and Aljoša ...
... vreme pro- měti sa užasom , da je već několiko sedmi- teče , i opredeljeni dan opet dodje , onda ga cah od kratke ove godine proteklo bilo , i da liše dostojanstva njegovog , skinu 8 njega bi mu valjalo pohititi , da ostale dane vlada ...
... vreme.com/vesti/protest-protiv-rata - u - beogradu - sacuvajmo - zivot / , pp . 1-2 . 28. " Protest protiv rata u ... Pro , ( February 28 , 2022 ) , retrieved from https : // pro.intellinews.com/kosovo-asks-for-speededup - nato ...
... Vreme wasn't a government daily . Politika : that boy Rib- nikar isn't like the [ paper's ] founders , they were ... pro - fascist tendencies of Vreme , he disliked Vladimir Ribnikar's Politika for its leftist leanings . 154 ...
... Vreme's readers were not backward people , ready to believe the first pro- paganda thrown their way . Throughout Yugoslavia , including Bosnia , there were plenty of well - educated , urbane observers who could have told outside ...
... vreme petch let .. Plin . Quimatus , a , m . p . p . peto let , tas to .. Quin . Adv . Zakay ne ? quin taces , Zasto ne- muchis . Ter . 2. pro imo , quin imo , pa- che , da pache . quin hoc ipso tempore , da pache u iszto ovo vreme . Cic .