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Pro vreme from
... pro'Gormati newspaper, Vreme, who tvont rft Qp.rmany to pave the way for the signing of the pact, was reported under arrest/and tho paper suddenly took- a pro-British tone. , • It was learned, meanwhile, that Vladimir Macok, old ...
Pro vreme from
... pro-German newspaper Vreme said flatly that Yugoslavia would vvv'u*u titr tie U4- with w in* the me- Axis <-*--nt» but VSUL wou]d be exempted from military clauSPS of the AXJS pact The country wouj,j allow transporta- tion of war ...
Pro vreme from
... Vreme, the only out and out pro-Guardist sheet •which has survived the Antonescu pi rge. The paper was originally called merely Vreme, meaning "Times." When Radulescu's five- Trcar-oid daughter, Parunca, whoso name meant •'Order," died ...
Pro vreme from
... pro-German newspaper, Vreme, resulted esulted who went to Germany to pave tht' merits icnts, way for -_.. . the signing .__. of , the ., pact, . : _ pau| . was reported under arrest, and the i jng pnner suddenly took a pro-British ...
Pro vreme from
... pro-nazi newspaper Vreme made it appear that the government in all its long negotiations with Hitler's representatives had been able to hold out against only one major nazi demand — that the Germans be given troop right-of-way down the ...
Pro vreme from
... pro-German newspaper, Vreme.l who went to Germany to pave the way for the signing of the pact, was reported under arrest, and the paper suddenly took a pro- British tone. Dispatches of DNB and Stefani, official German and Italian news ...
Pro vreme from
... pro- German newspaper Vreme declared: fusoslavia is strong. Yugoslavia) resolute. Yugoslavia, by her honest and determined atti- will contribute to the consoli- of her national destiny and. peace."' Snmo diplomatic sources ex- •e?>cd a ...
Pro vreme from
... pro-German newspaper 'Vreme' which gave alleged details of a plan of agreement between Yugoslavia and Germany. It is felt in London that what has happened to Rumania and Bulgaria must make Yugoslavia regard any German offer with ...
Pro vreme from
... pro- Nail newspaper Vreme made It appear that the government in all its long negotiation* with Hitler's representatives had been able to hold out against only one major Nasl demand—- that the Germans be given troop right-of-way down the ...
Pro vreme from
... pro German newspaper Vreme declared Jugoslavia is strong. Yugoslavia can be resolute. Yugoslavia, by her open, honest and determined attitude, wfll contribute to the consolidation of her national destiny 2nd her own peace." Diplomatic ...