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Kateri koli dokument
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Portrays a mid-Victorian family, their confrontations with calamity, and their development of Christian goodness.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
A series of short stories set in San Francisco's Chinatown, some of which involve crime.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
1856 account of Miriam Davis Colt's expedition from New York to Kansas, including the origins of the Vegetarian Settlement Company.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
In this volume, Featherstonhaugh inveighs against fraudulent land speculators, slavery, the treatment of the Cherokee, and the bad manners of fellow travelers.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Presents some of the author's notes during his adventures and travels in Africa in early 18th century.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Narrative of observation and travel in ... Chile, Peru, the Argentine, Paraguay, and Uruguay." -- pref.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Beskrivelse af den nordiske syvårskrig 1563-1570 herunder årsagerne til krigen, oversigter over Danmarks, Norges og Sveriges militære styrker (hær, flåde og fæstninger) og udrustning samt en gennemgang af felttogene 1563-70.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Temple describes his travels to Algiers and Tunisia prior to 1834, limited only by his inability to visit areas under French military occupation.
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Diesen Mangel rügte ich bereits im ersten Bande meines Achmimwerkes und gab damals der Hoffnung Ausdruck (1891, R. Forrer, Die Gräben und Textilfunde von Achmim-Panopolis), dass es mir vergönnt sein werde, später einmal den Fundort ...
bibliogroup:"Online access with subscription: JISC Historical Texts" z mesta
Narrative extends only to the close of 1828, having been left incomplete at the death of the author. -- cf. Advertencia al lector, 1 leaf at end.