Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology.
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Andrew Lang (31 March 1844–20 July 1912) was a polymath. Educated at the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow (for a year, in order to earn the ...
Andrew Lang FBA je bil škotski pesnik, romanopisec, literarni kritik in sodelavec na področju antropologije. Najbolj znan je kot zbiratelj ljudskih in pravljic. Po njem so poimenovana predavanja Andrewa Langa na Univerzi St Andrews. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 31. marec 1844, Selkirk, Združeno kraljestvo
Smrt: 20. julij 1912, Banchory, Združeno kraljestvo
Soproga: Leonora Blanche Alleyne (por. 1875–1912)
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29. okt. 2024 · Andrew Lang was a Scottish scholar and man of letters noted for his collections of fairy tales and translations of Homer.
1844-1912. Andrew Lang was a versatile and prolific Scottish writer, folklorist, and anthropologist known for his profound contributions to literature, ...
Andrew Gabriel Lang, a prolific Scotsman of letters, contributed poetry, novels, literary criticism, and collected now best folklore.
9. dec. 2022 · Andrew F. Lang specializes in the history of nineteenth-century America, using the era of the American Civil War as a lens through which to investigate the ...
Top Andrew Lang titles ; The Book of Romance (Esprios Classics)The Book of Romance (Esprios Classics) ; The Arabian Nights (AmazonClassics Edition)The Arabian ...
The Langs' Fairy Books are a series of 25 collections of true and fictional stories for children published between 1889 and 1913 by Andrew Lang and his wife, ...
On the Sublime active 1st century Longinus 2281 downloads · The Blue Fairy Book Andrew Lang 1866 downloads · The Arabian Nights Entertainments Andrew Lang ...