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The Left-Hand Path
Chronicles Magazine
Last May, the New Republic carried an informative article about how contemporary exponents of Cabala, a school of Jewish mysticism dating...
pred 28 meseci
Generalized Einstein relations between absorption and emission spectra at thermodynamic equilibrium
We present Einstein coefficient spectra and a detailed-balance derivation of generalized Einstein relations between them that is based on the connection...
pred 3 meseci
Edinburgh in history – November
The Edinburgh Reporter
There are many notable dates in November. These facts have been unearthed for us by Jerry Ozaniec, Membership Secretary of the Old Edinburgh...
pred 25 meseci
Why Physicists Make Up Stories in the Dark
Nautilus | Science Connected
Theories at the speculative forefront of physics flesh out this unseen universe with parallel worlds and with mysterious entities named for their very...
pred 129 meseci
Looking back with The Old Edinburgh Club
The Edinburgh Reporter
This month The Old Edinburgh Club has highlighted one of the most recent and devastating fires in Edinburgh as its main event in history.
pred 4 dnevi
Family converts nine old buses into quirky holiday guest houses on their farm in British countryside
Daily Mail
Fittingly named The Bus Stop, the legion of old buses are situated in Gifford, East Lothian, and are purchased from scrapyards as far as...
pred 52 meseci
NASA Rocket, Satellite Tag-Team to View the Giant Electric Current in the Sky
NASA (.gov)
Some 50 miles up, where Earth's atmosphere blends into space, the air itself hums with an electric current. Scientists call it the...
pred 41 meseci
Farmer unveils unique holiday accommodation. . . 3 buses!
East Lothian Courier
Balfour Stewart, of Bankrugg Farm, between Gifford and East Saltoun, has unveiled his new 'staycation' holiday accommodation in the form of 'The Bus Stop'.
pred 97 meseci
Physics, Psychical Research, and the Self: Evelyn De Morgan's Spiritualist Portraits - Merkling - 2023 - Art History
Wiley Online Library
This essay examines spiritualist artist Evelyn De Morgan's representation of the self in several paintings c. 1900, including never before discussed portraits.
pred 16 meseci
Gillespie Kidd Coia Scottish gems face demolition
The Architects’ Journal
A trio of Gillespie, Kidd and Coia buildings could be flattened to make way for an Archial-designed mixed-use development.
pred 183 meseci