Donald Grant Mitchell je bil ameriški esejist in romanopisec, ki je običajno pisal pod pseudonimom Ik Marvel. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 12. april 1822, Norwich, Connecticut
Smrt: 15. december 1908, New Haven, Connecticut
Vnuk: Donald Mitchell Ryerson
Stari starši: Stephen Mix Mitchell, Nathaniel Shaw Woodbridge, Elizabeth Mumford in več
Pravnukinja: Joan Ryerson
Prastarši: Arminal Grant, Rebecca Mitchell (Mix), John Mumford in več
Reveries of a Bachelor
Dream Life
Picture of Edgewood
Readings from Macaulay: Italy
The International Library of Famous Literature: Selections From the World's Great Writers, Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern, With Biographical and Explanatory Notes and With Introductions Volume TWO (2)
Fudge Doings: Being Tony Fudge's Record of the Same, in Fourty Chapters Volume 1