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Cecil Sharp: the man who saved English folksong from oblivion
When Cecil Sharp died 100 years ago, he had collected almost 5,000 English folk tunes. Andrew Green takes a look at his important legacy.
pred 4 meseci
Leading UK School Uppingham is Launching in Egypt Announces New Era Education
Egyptian Streets
New Era Education announced today a strategic partnership with New Giza Development and Bloom UAE, to bring one of the leading schools in...
pred 25 meseci
Is this the end of single-sex schools?
Spear's Magazine
Changing attitudes and an increasingly tough climate have led many boys' and girls' schools to become coed. Can single-sex schools survive?
pred 10 meseci
Paving stone dedicated to 'friend' from China unveiled at Uppingham School
China Daily - Global Edition
Charles Cao Quin of the Beijing Conservatory has worked closely with Uppingham School, an English boarding school famed for its rich tradition of all-around...
pred 69 meseci
Masturbation and Muscular Christianity: A Brief History of English Football’s Anxiety – Part 1
Football Paradise
History of English Football - How England was bereft from having a sensual relationship with the ball that the libertines (Brazil,...
pred 89 meseci
Book review: Bright the Vision: Public school missions from the Victorian age by Malcolm Tozer
Church Times
Anthony Phillips looks at the spirit of public schools' urban mission.
pred 12 meseci
HMC rebrand drops ‘headmasters and headmistresses’
School Management Plus
The heads' organisation says the new name reflects the 'modern and diverse nature of HMC's membership'
pred 24 meseci
Heads Debate: Coed vs Single Sex
Country and Town House
As Winchester College welcomes girls into its sixth-form, Eleanor Doughty finds that heads are divided on the future of single-sex education.
pred 19 meseci
The school that relocated 200 miles to the Ceredigion seaside
Uppingham School relocated its 300 students almost 200 miles away to a hotel in the seaside village of Borth for a year in 1876.
pred 12 meseci
Everything That's Wrong About the Future of the UEFA Champions League
Sports Illustrated
There will be more games, more money guaranteed to the elite clubs and more that's focused on everything except the sanctity of sport and...
pred 45 meseci