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Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 17th & 18th 1847 / from surveys made by Major Turnbull & Capt. McClellan, Topl. Engs. ; drawn by Capt. McClellan.
UTA Libraries
US forces under General Scott used difficult terrain to their advantage to achieve a complete rout of Mexican forces under Santa Anna at the Battle of Cerro...
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The People of Gibraltar
The People of Gibraltar
Henry Coppée was an American writer and educationalist. He served as a lieutenant in the US army and later became a professor of English at West Point.
pred 75 meseci
A Gallery of Famous English and American Poets
A Gallery of famous English and American Poets, with an introductory essay by Henry Coppee, LL.D by Coppee, Henry (Essay) and a great selection of related...
pred 90 meseci
Edward Tuckerman Potter: Lehigh’s Historic Architect
Lehigh Alumni
In 1868, visionary Edward Tuckerman Potter created an iconic design that resonates in every stone, arch, and corner of Clayton University Center at Packer Hall.
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The Library Company of Philadelphia
ELIZABETH OAKES SMITH (1806 – 1893). As an intensely precocious and devout child, Elizabeth Oakes Smith learned to read at the age of two by overhearing her...
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The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years , Volume 4
Google Books
The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years, Volume 4. Copertina anteriore. Henry Coppée. Carson & Simpson, 1894...
pred 27 meseci
The Select Academic Speaker: Containing a Large Number of New and ... - Henry Coppée
Google Libri
The Select Academic Speaker: Containing a Large Number of New and Appropriate Pieces, for Prose Declamation, Poetical Recitation and Dramatic Readings.
pred 99 meseci
GRACE GREENWOOD(1823-1904) aka Sarah J. Clarke or Mrs. Leander Lippincott
The Library Company of Philadelphia
GRACE GREENWOOD(1823-1904) aka Sarah J. Clarke or Mrs. Leander Lippincott. Having grown up in and around Rochester, New York, Sarah Clarke first published...
pred 42 meseci
President's House
Lehigh University
Architect: Edward T. Potter Dates: c. 1866. Type: Residential. Defining the Lehigh Presidency. When Lehigh first opened its doors in 1865, the role of the...
pred 132 meseci
The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years , Volume 2
Google Books
The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years, Volume 2. Copertina anteriore. Henry Coppée. Carson & Simpson, 1895.
pred 15 meseci