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The evolution of the end: Lehigh commencement through the years
The Brown and White
Lehigh's first graduating class could all fit comfortably in a minivan. Only six students graduated from the university in 1869.
pred 92 meseci
A maker mindset: Lehigh University prepares to celebrate creative roots
Lehigh consistently ranks as one of the top engineering and business schools in the nation, but the creative arts have always been...
pred 4 tedni
Henry Coppée
Henry Coppée (October 13, 1821 – March 22, 1895) was an American educator and author. He was the first president of Lehigh University.
pred 159 meseci
Gallery of Famous Poets (A Gallery of Famous English and American Poets with an Introductory Essay by Henry Coppée, L.L.D.) by Coppée, Henry (Introduction) | Hardcover | 1873 | j.M. Stoddart & Co.
Find the best prices on Gallery of Famous Poets (A Gallery of Famous English and American Poets with an Introductory Essay by Henry Coppée,...
pred 30 meseci
College Class of 1865: University Militia
University Archives and Records Center
The University Light Infantry, Penn's militia during the Civil War, was first organized in the spring of 1861 as an infantry company, but the company had no...
pred 33 meseci
General Thomas
Google Livres
The merits of General Thomas and the debt of gratitude the nation owes to his valor and skill are fully appreciated here, and I wish you to tell him so.
pred 95 meseci
English Literature Considered as an Interpreter of English History
Google Libri
English Literature: Considered as an Interpreter of English History. Copertina anteriore. Henry Coppée. Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1878 - 488 pagine.
pred 89 meseci
Addresses delivered at the formal opening of Williams Hall, in connection with the 24th celebration of Founder's Day of Lehigh University, on October 8, 1903 | Lehigh Preserve
Lehigh University
Addresses delivered at the formal opening of Williams Hall, in connection with the 24th celebration of Founder's Day of Lehigh University, on October 8,...
pred 6 meseci
The American Library of Art Literature and Song, Vol. 2: Choice Selections From the Artists, Authors and Orators of All Ages (Classic Reprint)
Agenda Bookshop
The American Library of Art Literature and Song, Vol. 2: Choice Selections From the Artists, Authors and Orators of All Ages (Classic Reprint).
pred 1 tednom
CAROLINE HENTZ (1800 – 1856)
The Library Company of Philadelphia
CAROLINE HENTZ (1800 – 1856). Raised in Massachusetts, Caroline Hentz composed her first poetry, drama, and novel before the age of twenty.
pred 37 meseci