Having disassociated themselves from an oppressive government with a strong central religion, the Founding Fathers of the United States acknowledged the freedom to practice one's religion when writing the nation's constitution.
Examines the history of performance-enhancing drugs in major league baseball, focusing on high-profile athletes who have been busted or otherwise implicated in scandal.
This book provides students with guidance in determining the post-secondary training that is best for them, how to obtain information, sort it, visit campuses, obtain internships and participate in community service, review options, apply ...
An introduction to jobs focused on preventing incidents of cyberterrorism, including options within the government, military, and the law, and describing the skills, knowledge, outlook, and habits required to achieve success as a ...
Describes each part of the band front and the history of the group, the skills, training, and attitude necessary to be a part of the team, and the events at which these groups compete or show off their skills.