Joanna Southcott (or Southcote; April 1750 – 26 December 1814) was a British self-described religious prophetess from Devon.
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Joanna Southcott

Joanna Southcott je bila britanska samoopisana verska prerokinja iz Devona. "Southcottovsko" gibanje se je po njeni smrti nadaljevalo v različnih oblikah; njegov osmi prerok, Mabel Barltrop, je umrl leta 1934. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Southcott, Joanna (1750-1814) British prophetess of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who announced that she had a divine pregnancy.
23. avg. 2019 · The box was found to contain a few books and papers, dice, a lottery ticket, a night cap, earrings, a purse and an old horse-pistol.
The Visitation of the Spirit of Truth to Joanna Southcott – English Prophetess. Her History and a Collection of her Writings.
The Panacea Society are followers of a 19th-century 'prophetess', Joanna Southcott, who wrote more than 60 books of religious thoughts. She claimed to be ...
Joanna Southcott was a poor servant girl from the southwest of England who, at the age of 42, announced that God had chosen her as a messenger of his Second ...
Dedicated to the evangelist, Joanna Southcott, the House of God stood in Newington Butts for more than a decade. 10,000 new jobs.
Intrigued sleuths and scholars can visit Houghton Library to investigate The Songs of Argus Zion as a possible “map” to the whereabouts of prophetess Joanna ...
13. nov. 2023 · Southcott, a simple servant woman, claimed to be guided by the Spirit of Truth and to represent the fulfillment of part of the Bible's Book of Revelation.
Joanna Southcott, a domestic servant in Exeter, declared herself a visionary prophetess. Local harvest failures and food riots as well as international war and ...