Joanna Southcott (or Southcote; April 1750 – 26 December 1814) was a British self-described religious prophetess from Devon.

Joanna Southcott

Joanna Southcott je bila britanska samoopisana verska prerokinja iz Devona. "Southcottovsko" gibanje se je po njeni smrti nadaljevalo v različnih oblikah; njegov osmi prerok, Mabel Barltrop, je umrl leta 1934. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Sorodna vprašanja
18. maj 2018 · Southcott, Joanna (1750-1814) British prophetess of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who announced that she had a divine pregnancy.
23. avg. 2019 · The box was found to contain a few books and papers, dice, a lottery ticket, a night cap, earrings, a purse and an old horse-pistol.
The Panacea Society are followers of a 19th-century 'prophetess', Joanna Southcott, who wrote more than 60 books of religious thoughts. She claimed to be ...
Dedicated to the evangelist, Joanna Southcott, the House of God stood in Newington Butts for more than a decade. 10,000 new jobs.
Joanna Southcott was a poor servant girl from the southwest of England who, at the age of 42, announced that God had chosen her as a messenger of his Second ...
The Visitation of the Spirit of Truth to Joanna Southcott – English Prophetess. Her History and a Collection of her Writings.
Intrigued sleuths and scholars can visit Houghton Library to investigate The Songs of Argus Zion as a possible “map” to the whereabouts of prophetess Joanna ...
23. jun. 2021 · She believed that she possessed supernatural gifts and wrote prophecies in rhyme. She claimed to be the Woman of the Apocalypse referenced in a prophetic ...
The Prophecies Of Joanna Southcott, Relating To The Dreadful Judgments That Will Fall On This Nation In The Present Year, 1810. Selected And Animadverted On By ...