John Woodhouse
John Chappel Woodhouse je bil angleški anglikanski duhovnik, ki je bil od 17. oktobra 1798 do 24. decembra 1821 salopski naddekan; in dekan Lichfielda od leta 1807 do svoje smrti.
Woodhouse se je rodil v Lichfieldu kot sin Williama, zdravnika, in... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 1749
Smrt: 1833
Knjige: Annotations on the Apocalypse: Intended as a Sequel to Those of Mr. Elsley on the Gospels, and of Mr. Prebendary Slade on the Epistles ; and Thus to Complete a Series of Comments on the Whole of the New Testament, for the Use of Students in Prophetical Scripture, The Apocalypse, Or, Revelation of Saint John, Translated; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory: To which is Prefixed, a Dissertation on the Divine Origin of the Book; in Answer to the Objections of the Late Professor J.D. Michaelis, A Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London: on Thursday, June 16, 1808: Being the Time of the Yearly Meeting of the Children Educated in the Charity-schools, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster in več