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Nerve, muscle, action: celebrating pioneers of cell physiology
Royal Society
A collection of Royal Society Biographical Memoirs celebrates the field of cell physiology. Professor Christopher Huang guides us through the pioneering...
pred 5 meseci
Study shows how sepsis can affect vascular smooth muscle cells on an acute and long-term basis
Universitätsmedizin Halle
Elevated lactate levels and acidosis, which can occur acutely during sepsis due to metabolic derailment, only have a disrupting effect in synergistic...
pred 8 meseci
Portrait of the Theologian as an Organizer
Commonweal Magazine
Gary Dorrien remembers his tumultuous adventures in post-Kantian philosophy and democratic socialist organizing.
pred 3 meseci
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination may mitigate dysregulation of IL-1/IL-18 and gastrointestinal symptoms of the post-COVID-19 condition | npj Vaccines
These data suggest that post-infection vaccination in patients with PCC might be beneficial in a subgroup of individuals displaying gastrointestinal symptoms.
pred 11 meseci
Tumor Immunology meets Oncology XVIII 2024 Brandenburg, BRB - 18.04.2024 | Veranstaltungen
Universitätsmedizin Halle
The meeting „Tumor Immunology meets Oncology (TIMO)“ has established itself as an outstanding platform for exchange between scientists, clinicians and junior...
pred 9 meseci
Tumor Immunology meets Oncology XIX 2025 - 22.05.2025 | Veranstaltungen
Universitätsmedizin Halle
Beginn: 22. Mai 2025. Ende: 24. Mai 2025. Ort/Raum: City Hall Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany Altstädtischer Markt 10 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel
pred 2 mesecema
Study on post-COVID-19 condition: Which factors have an impact on the risk
Universitätsmedizin Halle
A nationwide survey in germany of almost 110000 participants has shown how vaccinations and infections influence the post-COVID-19 condition risk.
pred 6 meseci
Sudden hearing loss: high-dose therapy does not lead to better outcomes than the standard treatment | News
Universitätsmedizin Halle
High-dose therapy with common medications is not more effective than standard treatment but associated with a higher risk of side effects.
pred 9 meseci
Health of adolescents in Germany: Latest results of HBSC study published | News
Universitätsmedizin Halle
Most Students in German schools rate their health as good. However, almost all of them get too little physical activity and their health situation is...
pred 10 meseci
Eplerenone, a mineralocorticoid receptor inhibitor, reduces cirrhosis associated changes of hepatocyte glucose and lipid metabolism
Cell Communication and Signaling
Our findings suggest that non-physiological MR activation plays a role in the dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism in hepatocytes.
pred 1 mesecem