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Christ’s Humanity in Current and Ancient Controversy: Fallen or Not?
The Gospel Coalition
The question of whether Christ assumed a fallen human nature in the incarnation has captured the attention of many at least since the time...
pred 76 meseci
Augustine’s Sexual Ethic, Part 1
Reasons to Believe
In this short two-part blog, I explain and defend the orthodox Christian view of sexuality as explained by Augustine.
pred 38 meseci
The Human on Heaven’s Throne: Why the Ascension of Christ Matters
Desiring God
Many of us rehearse the gospel as Jesus lived, died, and rose. But do we remember that he ascended? What are we missing when we forget the...
pred 66 meseci
Why I Believe in 24-Hour Days
Answers in Genesis
A plain-language reading of the Bible produces the idea that Adam was created by God without biological ancestors.
pred 126 meseci
Reason, Cause, and Cultural Arrogance
E-International Relations
Recognition that reason is a social construction throttles Western claims of cultural superiority and encourages engagement with non-Western...
pred 20 meseci
1893 - RARE - Expositor's Bible BOOK OF GENESIS by Marcus Dods Bible Commentary
Dods, Marcus, DD Published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1893. The Book of Genesis. - This particular collectors item is from a well cared-for collection.
pred 10 meseci
The Book of Genesis, Paper, Not Applicable: Marcus Dods: 9781483799131
Christian Book
Title: The Book of Genesis, Paper, Not Applicable By: Marcus Dods Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 234. Vendor: Bottom of the Hill Publishing
pred 9 meseci
Professor Smith on the Bible : And Dr. Marcus Dods on Inspiration (Paperback) in Kosovo at € 0, Rating: 5
Ubuy Kosovo
Shop Professor Smith on the Bible : And Dr. Marcus Dods on Inspiration (Paperback) online at a best price in Kosovo. 222349967.
pred 1 mesecem
Marcus Dods(Tr.) Augustine
The city of God Volume 1 1913 [Leather Bound] [Augustine, Marcus Dods(Tr.)] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
pred 7 meseci
Richard Rodney Bennett Marcus Dods Conducts New Philharmonia Orchestra Lady Caroline Lamb (Original Soundtrack) / Elegy For Caroline Lamb
Richard Rodney Bennett / Marcus Dods Conducts New Philharmonia Orchestra – Lady Caroline Lamb (Original Soundtrack) / Elegy For Caroline Lamb
pred 3 meseci