Margaret Cockburn Conkling Steele je bila ameriška pisateljica.
Margaret Cockburn Conkling se je rodila 29. oktobra 1814 v okrožju Albany v New Yorku kot hči sodnika Alfreda Conklinga in Elizabeth Cockburn Conkling. Med njenimi brati in sestrami... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 29. oktober 1814
Smrt: 28. julij 1890, Jersey City, New Jersey
Stari starš: Benjamin Conkling
Prastarš: Cineus Conkling
Starši: Alfred Conkling
The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion: Or, Familiar Letters to His Nephews, Containing Rules of Etiquette, Directions for the Formation of Character, Etc., Etc
The Widower's Strategem: Or, A Circle Within A Circle: A Drama In Five Acts
Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington Vols 1 And 2
The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion Or, Familiar Letters to His Nephews: Etiquette, Fashion, and Gentlemanly Advice for the Modern Reader
The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion
Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington