United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. cent sulfur in order to control air pollution , there ... in author- izing research work on demonstration plants to prove out the light- water reactors and now the fast ...
Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress United States. Congress. ( 5 ) Hammond , E. C. , Oscar Auerbach , David Kirman , Lawrence Garfinkel ( 1970 ) , " Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Dogs : I. Design of Experiment , Mortality , and ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the District of Columbia. War I pursuant to the War Risk Insurance Act ... Joint Resolution of June 5 , 1933 . In its analysis , the Court first noted that there is no question as to the ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. ' In this regard the most recent Defense Department cost - effectiveness study concerning nuclear propulsion which has been forwarded to the Congress ( ' Nu- clear Power for ...
United States. Congress. was authorized by law . The expenses of printing , in both cases , had been awarded last ... Committee if a number of copies of this Com- pendium , double that ordered , had not been contracted for ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Academy Critique ulcers of the small ... joint pharmacist - physician approach to selecting a source of supply for those drugs in which bioavailability is ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. to me , and I hope to everyone else , that undoubtedly ... Joint Chiefs of Staff in author- izing this vessel to go within 13 miles on the mission that was obviously there ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. accumulation and dissemination of knowledge . It will be apparent when dental radiology reaches a stage at which it will , of itself , demand recognition . Tbe same A. D. A. ...
United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. AEC UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON ... in author- ization and appropriations acts . Assuming the project is authorized by Congress , site acquisition must ...
United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. AEC UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON ... in author- ization and appropriations acts . Assuming the project is authorized by Congress , site acquisition must ...