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In the Trump era, there’s one classic English writer you must read
The Telegraph
William Hazlitt's 1825 publication The Spirit of the Age contains some strikingly timely warnings about fake news and abuse of power.
pred 19 urami
Raise a Glass With William Hazlitt!
Hazlitt got gloomily drunk for a fortnight after the battle of Waterloo, accurately anticipating that decades of reaction lay ahead.
pred 3 tedni
William Hazlitt: The First Modern Man by Duncan Wu
Publishers Weekly
If this workmanlike biography, by the editor of the two-volume New Writings of William Hazlitt, does not live up to the expansive promise of its subtitle,...
pred 91 meseci
Tom Paulin celebrates William Hazlitt, the master of prose and champion of liberty
The Guardian
A passionate polemicist and radical Romantic, William Hazlitt was the most brilliant essayist of his day. But since his death 170 years ago, he has been...
pred 261 meseci
Matthew Bevis · Deleecious: William Hazlitt
London Review of Books
Hazlitt acknowledges the value of 'physical analogy' and praises thinkers who can find ways of 'incorporating the abstract with the concrete'.
pred 194 meseci
Jazzing Up Hazlitt
The New York Review of Books
There is something secretly repellent in the prospect of an author recommended for his prose style (and nothing else).
pred 186 meseci
William Hazlitt: Danger is a Good Teacher
Big Think
“Danger is a good teacher, and makes apt scholars. So are disgrace, defeat, exposure to immediate scorn, and laughter.”
pred 119 meseci
The New Yorker
Hazlitt was probably the first critic to think hard about prose and the first to recognize that prose, no less than poetry, reflected a fundamental world view.
pred 188 meseci
How did we forget William Hazlitt?
The Telegraph
The 19th-century radical was a scathingly brilliant writer, thinker and art critic – so why is he so little read today, asks Alastair Smart?
pred 122 meseci
Learning from Falstaff — King Henry and the August 31 Gang
Town Topics
Shakespeare found enough in Henry's sketchy history to create Falstaff and Prince Hal, later Henry of Monmouth, the warrior king.
pred 28 meseci