Benjamin Perley Poore (November 2, 1820 – May 30, 1887) was a prominent American newspaper correspondent, editor, and author in the mid-19th century.
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Benjamin Poore, whose forebears acquired the family estate at West New- bury's Indian Hill Farm in 1650. A celebrity, journal- ist, Washington insider ...
author: Benjamin Perley Poore ; PERLEY'S REMINISCENCES OF SIXTY YEARS IN THE NATIONAL METROPOLIS [2 VOLUMES]. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers, 1886.
POORE, Benjamin Perley, journalist, born near Newburyport, Massachusetts, 2 November, 1820; died in Washington, D. C., 30 May, 1887. He was descended from John ...
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Benjamin Perley Poore (1820-1887), an American reporter who covered the White House for several publications, also served as clerk of the Senate Printing ...
Manjka: inauthor: | Prikaz rezultatov s tem:inauthor:
15. maj 2020 · Poore (1820-1887) dined with Lafayette and Sir Walter Scott. His collection of Americana was the finest in the country.
Poore, Ben jamin Perley. The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Organic Laws of the United States. Second edition.
Poore, Ben. Perley. Created / Published. Boston. Headings. - United States--Massachusetts--Boston. Genre.