This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended.
John Mason Good. CLASS V. 11. Diffi culties ac- conduct . Admitting the existence of such cases , they just as much ... in author . * Op . de Pinguedine . + Observ . Cent . post . || . Commerc . Literar . Norimberg . Initia ...
This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended.
... JOHN MASON GOOD , M.D. F.R.S. F.R.S.I In 3 vols . 8vo . 11. 168. boards . Commentaries on the Life and Reign of kind ... In Author , and other new Plates , 213.36 ? 2 vols . post 8vo . with a Portrait of the 6. Two Years in New ...