... IN AUTHOR'S AUTO- GRAPH on a sheet ( containing brief biographical notes ... IN AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH : " John Swinton , from his friend the Author ... THOMAS DONALDSON . Although hailed by Ingersoll as " knowing all creeds but ...
... Donaldson , Hon . Sec . , read a memoir , drawn up dyle , there is an agreement with the corresponding by him , of the late Thomas ... in author made some observations on the present state the Dasyurus ursinus and Thylacinus Harrisii ...
... University of New Mexico Press ( Revised edition of original 1954 edition . ) Donaldson , Thomas 1893. Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona and Pueblo Indians of New Mexico : Extra Census Bulletin . Census Report on the Population of the ...
... THOMAS SMITH , PETER PETERSON , and James Donaldson ( trans . ) . The Clementine Hom- ilies and the Apostolical ... in author's possession . " La Sagesse des. picturis . " MS . Harley 4751. “ Historia animalium cum xii Lucca ...
... Donaldson , Six Nations of New York , 58 ( opposite ) . According to William M. Beau- champ's biographical sketch ... Thomas John , " Biographical Sketches of Onondaga Indi- ans , entry 397 , 171 , Beauchamp MSS . , series 2 , box ...
... In Author of Emilia ... Thomas Browne's Works , with notes , eluciin ' Yr Ynys Unyg , ʻ - a new " Robinson Crusoe , ' in dations of the text , and a general index . - Messrs . Experience of Life , fc . 8vo . 78 6d , cl . Donaldson's ...
... THOMAS SMITH , PETER PETERSON , and James Donaldson ( trans . ) . The Clementine Hom- ilies and the Apostolical ... in author's possession . " La Sagesse des. picturis . " MS . Harley 4751. “ Historia animalium cum xii Lucca ...
... THOMAS SMITH , PETER PETERSON , and JAMES DONALDSON ( trans . ) . The Clementine Hom- ilies and the Apostolical ... in author's possession . " La Sagesse des 497 BIBLIOGRAPHY.