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inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
United States. Department of the Interior. I believe that Congress , in author- izing the Executive withdrawals in the 1910 and 1916 Acts , intended to confer broad authority to preserve for public use the sources of water on the public ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... United States . Scott , E. G. Regeneration of the United States ... Grinnell ... Interior and General Land Office in Cases relating to Lands and Land Claims , 1881-83 . United States --General Land Office 336.13 Des Moines River Land Grant ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... United States - Politics - contd . Our Revenue System and Civil Service ... Interior and General Land Office in Cases relating to Lands and Land Claims , 1881-83 . United States --General Land Office 336.13 Des Moines River Land Grant Claims ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
1896-1900 Public Library of New South Wales. Reference Dept. United States ... Interior and General Land Office in Cases relating to Lands and Land Claims ... in Author Catalogue for Official Publi- cations . ] United States Coast and ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... in , author- Interior be , and he is hereby , authorized and directed to cause to be made a resurvey of the ... Department of the Interior requiring petitions from all settlers on said lands asking for a resurvey and an agreement ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... United States Department of the Interior , National Park Service , trans- mitting a copy of quarterly estimate of personnel requirements for the quarter ending June 30 , 1945 , covering the ap- propriation " Maintenance , Executive ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... in , author- Interior be , and he is hereby , authorized and directed to cause to be made a resurvey of the ... Department of the Interior requiring petitions from all settlers on said lands asking for a resurvey and an agreement ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... Interior Department , 1955 . 361 Judiciary , 1955 ---- 409 Justice , Department of , 1955 . 419 Commodity Credit Corporation , dis- charge of indebtedness to Treasury- Deceased personnel , certain , recovery , care , and disposition of ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
Saline Water Conservation Act United States. Office of Saline Water. The Senator from New Mexico [ Mr. ANDERSON ] is rightly recognized as the one who took the leadership in author- search legislation which the Senator izing legislation ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Interior z mesta
... United States , appropriation for operating macerating machines for the 267 for police court .. 199 Detail of Clerks , Interior Department , authorized for service on committees of House for public schools and school buildings for ...