Namig: Iskanje samo slovenskih rezultatov. Jezik iskanja lahko določite tukaj: Nastavitve


Savannah je najstarejše mesto v ameriški zvezni državi Georgia in sedež okrožja Chatham. Mesto Savannah, ustanovljeno leta 1733 na reki Savannah, je postalo britanska kolonialna prestolnica province Georgia in kasneje prva prestolnica države... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Število prebivalcev: 147.748 (2023)
Savannah is the oldest city in the U.S. state of Georgia and the county seat of Chatham County. Established in 1733 on the Savannah River, the city of ...
Providing management and coordination of the City's housing and neighborhood enhancement efforts.
Welcome to Chatham County Georgia. Tybee lighthouse at dusk. News and Public Notices. News Updates and Required Public Notices.
Manjka: Združene države Amerike
Točen čas in datum Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, Združene države Amerike, najbližja letališča, uradna valuta, prebivalstvo.
Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, Združene države Amerike na zemljevidu, kjer se nahaja. Zemljepisno dolžino in širino: -81.0998342, 32.0835407. Po najnovejših ...
Kjer je Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, Združene države Amerike, lokacija na ameriški zemljevid. Natančna geografske koordinate, širine in dolžine ...
The city of Savannah, Georgia, the largest city and the county seat of Chatham County, Georgia, was established in 1733, and was the first colonial and state ...
Savannah is a one-of-a-kind Southern city with unique architecture, gorgeous squares, and a welcoming personality. So visit soon.
Manjka: Chatham | Prikaz rezultatov s tem:Chatham
21. sep. 2023 · During World War II, port facilities in Chatham County, Georgia, along the Savannah River shipped out 1.24 million tons of war materiel produced ...
Savannah, GA is home to a population of 148k people, from which 96.4% are citizens. As of 2022, 6.2% of Savannah, GA residents were born outside of the country.