William Emerson Ritter (November 21, 1856 – January 10, 1944) was an American biologist. Ritter initiated and shaped the Marine Biological Association of San ...
William Emerson Ritter je bil ameriški biolog.
Ritter je ustanovil in oblikoval Morsko biološko združenje v San Diegu in Ameriško društvo za širjenje znanosti. Inovativen in podjeten, z globoko željo po služenju ljudem, je neutrudno delal za... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 21. november 1856, Hampden, Wisconsin
Smrt: 10. januar 1944, Berkeley, Kalifornija
Akademski svetovalec: Edward Laurens Mark
Ustanovljene organizacije: Scrippsov inštitut za oceanografijo in Society for Science
Partnerka: Mary Elizabeth Bennett Ritter
Izobrazba: Univerza Harvard
The Ascidians Collected By The United States Fisheries Bureau Steamer Albatross On The Coast Of California During The Summer Of 1904; Volume 4
Hydrographic, Plankton, and Dredging Records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California, 1901 to 1912, 1913-1915
unity of the organism
Some ascidians from Puget Sound
The Simple Ascidians from the Northeastern Pacific in the Collection of the United States National Museum
Charles Darwin and the Golden Rule
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Dr. Ritter was born at Hampden, Wisconsin, November 19, 1856. After graduating from the State Normal College at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1884, he taught for a few ...
William Emerson Ritter was born in Hampden, Wis- consin, on November 19, 1856. Much of his boyhood was spent on a farm, and to this period of his life he was ...
Prof. Dr. William Emerson Ritter, (21 Nov. - Hampden, Wisconsin) 1856-1944 (10 Jan. - Berkeley, Cal.), PhD at Harvard in 1893, US tunicatologist at the ...
William E. Ritter (1856-1944) was a biologist and co-founder of the Scripps Institution for Oceanography. Ritter received his BA from the University of ...
William Emerson Ritter was an American biologist and visionary Ritter initiated and shaped the Marine Biological Association of San Diego (now Scripps ...
Ritter professed a balanced and holistic view of nature that was based on a deep interest in philosophy as well as biology, physical science, and mathematics.
7. sep. 2012 · William Ritter built the laboratory into a fantastic source of new scientific research in the marine environment.
The longest-lasting achievement of Ritter, who was recognized in his day as a philosophical biologist, was establishing a permanent marine research institution ...