Jacques Pierre Brissot
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Namig: Iskanje samo slovenskih rezultatov. Jezik iskanja lahko doloèite tukaj: Nastavitve
Jacques Pierre Brissot, francoski politik, * 15. januar 1754, † 31. oktober 1793. ... Brissot je bil eden vodilnih ¾irondistov, a je bil pozneje sam usmrèen med ...
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Jacques Pierre Brissot also known as Brissot de Warville, was a French journalist, abolitionist, and revolutionary leading the faction of Girondins ...
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27. okt. 2024 · Jacques-Pierre Brissot (born January 15, 1754, Chartres, France—died October 31, 1793, Paris) was a leader of the Girondins (often called ...
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Jacques Pierre Brissot, francoski politik, * 15. januar 1754, † 31. oktober 1793.
Brissot je bil eden vodilnih ¾irondistov, a je bil pozneje sam usmrèen med francosko revolucijo. Wikipedija
Datum rojstva: 15. januar 1754, Chartres, Francija
Smrt: 31. oktober 1793, Pariz, Francija
Urejena dela: Discours sur la question de savoir si le roi peut être jugé, Théorie Des Lois Criminelles, Volume 1..., Bibliotheque philosophique du législateur, du politique, du jurisconsulte: ou, Choix des meilleurs discours, dissertations, essais, fragmens, composés sur la législation criminelle par les plus célebres écrivains, en françois, anglois, italien, allemand, espangnol, &c. pour parvenir à la réforme des loix pénales dans tous les pays: traduits & accompagnés de notes & d'observations historiques in veè
Prej¹nji polo¾aj: Poslanec francoske narodne skup¹èine (1791–1792)
Kraj pokopa: Chapelle expiatoire, Pariz, Francija
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19. dec. 2022 · Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville (1754-1793) was a French journalist, abolitionist, and politician who played a prominent role in the French Revolution (1789 ...
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Jacques Brissot (1754-1793) was the figurehead and de facto leader of the Girondinist bloc which dominated France's government in 1792-93.
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Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville (1754-1793) was a French journalist, abolitionist, and politician who played a prominent role in the French Revolution (1789 ...
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21. jan. 2023 · Jacques Pierre Brissot was born in Chartres, a small town sixty miles southwest of Paris. He was the thirteenth child in a family of seventeen children.
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He advocated for the abolishment of slavery and had previously founded the Society of the Friends of the Blacks, an abolitionist society, in 1788. The Girondins ...
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