Ste morda mislili: hafis gofrā boron šodien
Goftā borūn šodī
Knjiga, Hafis
Goftā borūn šodī je sedemverzni gazal perzijskega pesnika Hāfeza iz 14. stoletja. To je št. 406 v zbirki Hafezovih gazalov, ki so razvrščeni po abecednem redu glede na rime, v izdaji Muhammada Qazvinija in Qasema Ghanija. Pesem je zanimiva zaradi... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Avtor: Hafis
Goftā borūn šodī is a seven-verse ghazal (love-song) by the 14th-century Persian poet Hāfez. It is no. 406 in the collection of Hafez's ghazals.
Goftā borūn šodī – QG 406; PNK 398; Mazra'-ē sabz-e falak – QG 407; PNK 399; Naqdhā rā bovad āyā – QG 185; PNK 180; Sālhā del talab-ē jām – QG 142 (Ganjoor 143); ...
19. dec. 2023 · Hafiz, was a Persian lyric poet whose collected works are regarded by many Iranians as one of the highest pinnacles of Persian literature.
Hafez was a Sufi Muslim. Modern scholars generally agree that he was born either in 1315 or 1317. According to an account by Jami, Hafez died in 1390.
The poem has been compared with another ghazal of Hafez, Goftā borūn šodī with which it shares many of the same themes. Both poems begin with Hafez viewing ...
Goftā borūn šodī ist ein Ghazal (Liebeslied) aus sieben Versen des persischen Dichters Hāfez aus dem 14. Jahrhundert.Es ist Nein.406 in der Sammlung von ...
Zolf-'āšofte is a ghazal (love-song) by the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez of Shiraz. In this poem, Hafez is visited in the night by a former beloved, ...
Abu Ghusun Hamada wreck, is located 70 kilometers south of Marsa Alam, in the beautiful Wadi El Gemal National Park.
Das Gedicht wurde mit einem anderen Ghazal von Hafez, Goftā borūn šodī, verglichen, mit dem es viele der gleichen Themen teilt. Beide Gedichte beginnen ...