

Knjiga, Hafis
Zolf-'āšofte je gazal perzijskega pesnika Hafeza iz Širaza iz 14. stoletja. V tej pesmi Hafeza ponoči obišče nekdanji ljubljeni in skozi metaforični jezik postane jasno, da je bilo srečanje uspešno. V tej pesmi ni nobenega namiga na kakršno koli... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Avtor: Hafis
Zolf-'āšofte is a ghazal (love-song) by the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez of Shiraz. In this poem, Hafez is visited in the night by a former beloved.
Zolf-'āšofte is a ghazal (love-song) by the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez of Shiraz. In this poem, Hafez is visited in the night by a former beloved, ...
Hafez primarily wrote in the literary genre of lyric poetry or ghazals, which is the ideal style for expressing the ecstasy of divine inspiration.
3. nov. 2024 · Hafez was a Sufi Muslim. Modern scholars generally agree that he was born either in 1315 or 1317. According to an account by Jami, Hafez died in 1390.
12. maj 2013 · Lyrics are from Hafiz a Persian mystic and poet. Following translation to English is from Shahriar Shahriari: Don't let your hair with the wind ...
Manjka: āšofte | Prikaz rezultatov s tem:āšofte
Zolf-'āšofte ist ein Ghazal (Liebeslied) des persischen Dichters Hafez von Shiraz aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. In diesem Gedicht wird Hafez in der Nacht von ...
When nothing remained of us, he came and sat down beside us.' The opening lines of this poem are imitated in Hafez's ghazals 26 (Zolf-'āšofte) and 27.
Listen to Zolf on Spotify. Song · Hamed Hafezi, Vahid Taj · 2020.
Manjka: hafis āšofte
Goftā borūn šodī ist ein Ghazal (Liebeslied) aus sieben Versen des persischen Dichters Hāfez aus dem 14. Jahrhundert.Es ist Nein.406 in der Sammlung von ...
Sīne mālāmāl-e dard ast ("My heart is brimful of pain") is a nine-verse ghazal (love-song) by the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez of Shiraz. It is no.