Baton Rouge is the capital city of the U.S. state of Louisiana. Located on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River, it had a population of 227,470 as of ...
Baton Rouge
Mesto v Louisiani
Baton Rouge je glavno mesto ameriške zvezne države Louisiana. Nahaja se na vzhodnem bregu reke Mississippi in je leta 2020 imelo 227.470 prebivalcev; je sedež najbolj naseljene župnije Louisiane, East Baton Rouge Parish, in središče drugega... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Stopnja brezposelnosti: 4,3% (sep. 2024)
Število prebivalcev: 219.573 (2023)
Nadmorska višina: 56 ft
Prebivalstvo metropolitanskega območja: 870.569
Sorodna vprašanja
What is Baton Rouge most known for?
What does the French word "baton rouge" mean?
Are Baton Rouge and New Orleans the same place?
Is Baton Rouge good for tourists?
A comprehensive platform designed to streamline access to city services, enabling residents of East Baton Rouge Parish to stay engaged, productive, and ...
Welcome to Baton Rouge. Louisiana's Capital City. As the capital city of Louisiana, Baton Rouge is the heart and soul of the state's eclectic culture.
Located in Southeast Louisiana, Baton Rouge is the fifth largest city on the Mississippi River and home to Louisiana's largest parish. Strategically seated at ...
One of the most historic, vibrant and unforgettable cities in the South, it's a place where Blues festivals and beignets are as beloved as football, where you ...
Discover things to do in Baton Rouge Louisiana, experience the museums, the state capitol, Louisiana State University, festivals, ...
Baton Rouge city, Louisiana. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.
Get the latest in local news, weather and sports on Bringing you coverage for Baton Rouge and surrounding communities from WVLA NBC Local33 and ...
21. nov. 2024 · Baton Rouge is a port situated at the head of deepwater navigation on the Mississippi River, in the southeast-central part of the state.
r/batonrouge: The best subreddit for Baton Rouge, Louisiana!