The House Foreign Affairs Committee considers measures about the relations of the United States with foreign nations, protection of United States' citizens ...
Committees may hold hearings on policy issues and on specific bill proposals, consider and further develop bill proposals through a markup process, and report ...
Sorodna vprašanja
What does the House Foreign Affairs Committee do?
Who is the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee?
Who makes up the Foreign Relations Committee?
Who is the head of the U.S. foreign affairs?
The United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, also known as the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is a standing committee of the U.S. House of ...
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
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Odbor predstavniškega doma Združenih držav za zunanje zadeve, znan tudi kot Odbor za zunanje zadeve predstavniškega doma, je stalni odbor predstavniškega doma ameriškega kongresa s pristojnostjo nad predlogi zakonov in preiskavami v zvezi z... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Ustanovitev: 29. november 1775
Ustanovitelj: kontinentalni kongres
House committee responsible for foreign policy legislation and oversight | @RepGregoryMeeks, Ranking Member (RM) | #HFAC.
CONTACT: 2170 Rayburn House Office Building, RATIO: 28/25 , Republican: Clerk.LCS.Web.Models.CommitteeMemberViewModel, Clerk.LCS.Web.Models.
15.4K subscribers•1K videos This is the official YouTube channel for the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs Democrats.
Information about our Congressional Committee pages that provides access to committee reports and legislation considered by committees.
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