Charles Ernest Pellew (Charles Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth)

Charles Ernest Pellew (Charles Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth)

Charles Ernest Pellew, 7. vikont Exmouth, je bil britanski vrstnik, profesor kemije in naturalizirani državljan Združenih držav, ki je podedoval naziv vikonta Exmoutha pri 59 letih po očetu in je imel ta naziv 22 let pred lastno smrtjo. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 11. marec 1863, London, Združeno kraljestvo
Smrt: 7. junij 1945
Otroci: Anne Pellew
Partnerka: Mabel Gray (1923–) in Margaret Chandler (1886–)

Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth (11 March 1863 – 7 June 1945) was a British peer, chemistry professor and a naturalised United States citizen
Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount of Exmouth. [Born] 1863. Chemist. Fifty-four years a Centurion; the longest membership on this memorial roll [of 1945 ...
8. maj 2024 · Charles Ernest Pellew. British medical and industrial chemist (1863-1945). 7th viscount Exmouth; Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth.
Ocena (2) · 17,31 $
Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth (1863 – 1945) was a British peer, chemistry professor and a naturalized United States citizen who inherited the ...
9. feb. 2023 · 7th viscount Exmouth, medical and industrial chemist and Fellow Chemical Society. Charles Ernest Pellew. 1593250Q16944101Charles Ernest ...
Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth (11 March 1863 – 7 June 1945) was a British peer, chemistry professor and a naturalised United States citizen ...
Charles Ernest Pellew, 7th Viscount Exmouth, was a British peer and a naturalized United States citizen who inherited the title of Viscount Exmouth at the ...
Dr Charles Ernest Pellew. Follow Author. Report this account. 0 followers. Dr Charles Ernest Pellew's Books. Dr Charles Ernest Pellew Avg rating: 0.0 0 ratings ...
22. feb. 2024 · DescriptionCharles Ernest Pellew, 1922.jpg. English: Charles Ernest Pellew, 1922. Date, 1 September 1922. Source, Evening Public Ledger ...