Afriška svobodna šola je bila šola za otroke sužnjev in svobodnih barvnih ljudi v New Yorku. Ustanovili so ga člani New York Manumission Society, med njimi Alexander Hamilton in John Jay, 2. novembra 1787. Mnogi njegovi alumni so postali voditelji... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Ustanovitev: 1794
Ustanovitelji: Alexander Hamilton in John Jay
Sorodna vprašanja
Where was the African Free School located?
Does Nigeria have free school?
What was the purpose of the New African Free School established by the Manumission Society in 1787?
When did black people get the right to go to school?
The New York African Free School was first created in 1787, a time when many African American residents of the city were slaves.
The African Free School was a school for children of slaves and free people of color in New York City. It was founded by members of the New York Manumission ...
2. nov. 2017 · The first African Free School, a one-room school house located in lower Manhattan, was established in 1794 and held about 40 students. Here, the ...
The African Free School in 1788, where the children of both free and enslaved blacks were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography.
The New York African Free School was created in 1787 as part of the mission of the New York Manumission Society. It began as a single room schoolhouse with ...
Although originally founded in an effort to “educate Black children to take their place as equals to white Americans,” the New York African Free Schools (NYAFS) ...
Mulberry Street school was to be the most important center of education for blacks in the city. Blacks in New York had long taken a close interest in the ...
The history of the New-York African free-school, from their establishment in 1787, to the present time; embracing a period of more than forty years: also a ...
African Free School The African Free School opened in a private home on Cliff Street in New York City in 1787 with forty-seven students.
21. avg. 2023 · In order to further the objectives of its organization, the New-York Manumission Society founded the New-York African Free-School in 1787. Since ...