Bedford je pridruženo mesto v okrožju Westchester v New Yorku. Po popisu leta 2020 je bilo 17.309 prebivalcev.
Bedford se nahaja v severovzhodnem delu okrožja Westchester in vsebuje tri zaselke Bedford Hills, Bedford in Katonah. Wikipedia (angleščina)
Število prebivalcev: 16.423 (2023)
Sorodna vprašanja
What is Bedford, NY famous for?
What famous people live in Bedford, NY?
Is Bedford NY a good area?
Is Bedford Hills NY expensive?
Bedford is located in the northeastern part of Westchester County and contains the three hamlets of Bedford Hills, Bedford, and Katonah.
News & Notices · Town of Bedford's Comprehensive Plan Update · Leaf Pick Up Schedule 2024 · Paws In the Park: License & Park Pass Day! · Sat 11/9 9AM-3:30PM.
With historic homes, horse farms and country estates, Bedford is a quiet escape into the country. Three distinct hamlets—Bedford Village, Katonah and Bedford ...
What to expect: A pristine and pastoral haven. This village of about 2,000 has a small stretch of shops and restaurants and older homes on relatively small lots ...
In 1700, England's King William issued a royal degree to settle a boundary dispute and placed placing Bedford in New York, much to the disagreement of local ...
The Town's importance grew during the Colonial period and it was a model for town meetings and self government. Bedford served as the wartime Westchester County ...
The town of Bedford, officially established in 1682, includes the hamlets of Bedford Village, Bedford Hills, and Katonah. The building of reservoirs for New ...
1. sep. 2022 · The wealthy Westchester town has a rural feel, with old stone walls, more than 30 miles of dirt roads and occasionally spotty cellphone service.
Bedford is a town of 18,000 in Westchester County, New York. Within the town limits are three hamlets: Bedford Village, Bedford Hills, and Katonah. Each hamlet ...
Learn about important services for local residents and businesses provided by our various town departments.